I woke up at 5:30 a.m. and raced to the TV, just SURE that today the universe would finally provide my much-needed paid day off. And it happened! I had to watch all three local channels list my county in the school closings before I believed it. Then I was far too excited to go back to sleep. I immediately started making a list of all the things I hope to accomplish today while getting paid for it:
- clean the kitchen (including mopping the floor--which I usually skip)
- help the boys bake cookies for their class Valentine's parties
- re-clean the kitchen after they "help" too much
- catch up on all the laundry
- color my hair
- cook a pot roast in the crock pot
- get a head start on next week's homework for my grad class
- strip the beds and wash the sheets
- finish the book I'm reading and start another one
- finish the audio book I'm listening to and start another one
- and, if there's any time left, find a cure for cancer
- and create peace in the Middle East.
Or, as the weather forecasters call it, The White Stuff.
Yea for SNOW!!!! Same here on the to do list though!!! Good luck to us both!!
I am not bothering with a list today. I'll be lucky if I don't toss them both out to freeze.
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