So when I made my To Do list this morning, I was thinking as an over-achiever with OCD--not as a mommy of two little boys. Of course we had to go play in the snow! And then naturally we had mugs of hot cocoa and cookies afterward. Here's Seven all bundled up in 47 layers of clothing------->

<----------------And here's Ten when he first came outside. He was wearing several layers of clothing, but he was way too "cool" to zip up his coat.

Then, of course, Lily had one of her infamous "Crazy Puppy Freakouts" as soon as her paws hit the snow. She ran all over the yard, chasing the children, knocking down the photographer, eating snowballs and chunks of ice. You'd think we'd put crack cocaine in her puppy chow. Here she is in a rare calm moment.

Lily has developed an obsession for a particular tassel. The mother of one of my students made this really warm hat for the boys, but I totally steal it whenever I get the chance. Problem is, Lily tries to attack me whenever I wear it. Here she is trying to eat the pom pom. Ten took this picture of us. Check out Lily's pink tongue. I was trying not to fall on top of her while laughing my head off.

Seven dropped down and made a snow angel.---> What you can't see is how the dog spotted him and raced across the yard and jumped on him the minute she noticed he was on the ground. Of course, when you take boys outside to play in the snow, they make a huge mess. This added to the monstrous amount of laundry I was already struggling to catch up on, but it was worth it. How often do we get snow in Tennessee? Here they are, positively caked with snow, ready to come in. Luckily I hadn't cleaned the floors yet.

On the To Do list, I got nearly everything done. The cookies are made. The pot roast is, well, roasting and filling the house with the smell of dead cow flesh. Can you tell I don't care much for pot roast? I made it for Dan as an early Valentine's gift since I had time today. See, I can be romantic. Because nothing says "I love you" like three pounds of deceased bovine.
The sheets are clean and back on the beds. Well, except my bed because it's covered with clean, folded laundry. I'm waiting for the last load to dry so I can put it all away. I couldn't do next week's homework because the links aren't active yet. Plus, that's a little too over-achieving even for me. I finished the audio book I was listening to (Devil'sCorner by Lisa Scottoline). I haven't been still long enough to read, but I'll work on the book later. I haven't colored my hair yet, but I will after this post.
I did lots of things that weren't on the list, like vacuuming and mopping the foyer and downstairs bathroom. Well, I didn't really mop them, but I wet-Swiffered them, which just sounds like something dirty that you'd pay a prostitute extra to do. I also washed all the rugs in the kitchen, cleaned out the litter box, straightened my desk a little bit, and emptied a few trash cans. Sorry, but I just didn't have time for the whole curing cancer and making peace. Maybe tomorrow.
Even so, it's been a very productive snow day and the best part of it was that I GOT PAID to clean my own house. That so totally rocks.
The boys look absolutely precious. BTW, I'm quite jealous of your OCD accomplishments. My floors are still dirty and my clean laundry is stacked to the ceiling, but our March lesson plans are done. Can I get a wave your hands in the air like you just don't care "Heeeey"?
I can't believe you WORKED on a day when we were paid to stay home and work for ourselves! There is something seriously wrong with that. But, um, thanks. ;-)Yay you. "Heeeey!"
Very sweet pics of all of you. I especially love the one of the boys on the deck together. They are too cute! I didn't get anything done on Wed. except helping the kids with Valentine stuff. :o(
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