What's a little brother to do when your older brother takes away the Game Boy and won't give it back? Well, first Seven tried some passive-aggressive attention-seeking tactics:

Then he tried to be a little more "in your face" with the pesky little brother thing:

Heh....just found the link to your blog spot on the SEP message board. HAven't been able to post there in a long while but fun to see a 'familiar' face.... Lynfoote
I have two boys too. The fun never ends... :D
(PS. found your link from lurking on the SEP board.)
I should point out that the boys were laughing and having fun during all of this--they weren't really fighting. My BFF was concerned so I told her to click on the pix to make them bigger--you can see the smiles on their faces.
Hi Seppie friends--I'm glad you're here to check out my blog.
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