Wednesday, April 16, 2008


I promise this month will not be entirely about diet and exercise, but I'm so very proud of my self that I have to talk about it a little bit. I walked the dog a longer route today (about 2 miles) because Dan was home with the kids. I ran for an embarrassingly short part of the journey, but there was definite running involved. Then I did a 40 minute yoga for abs tape.

Over on Susan's board we were talking about gratitudes today. So here's mine for the day...

I'm grateful:

--that I'm strong and healthy enough to *gasp* attempt running. Remember me? The one who said she'd NEVER run for recreation? And, okay, I've only done it for three days and I pretty much hated every minute of it, but I've survived so far. I'll never win any land speed records or attempt a marathon, but I'm getting stronger each day. My legs were rubbery when I got off the treadmill Monday, but not Tuesday or today when I ran outside in public with the doggie.

--that I've developed a taste for raspberry green tea without sugar or artificial sweeteners. Had six cups in the last two days.

--that I've been OFF COFFEE for TWO DAYS and I haven't had a single headache or attempted to kill anyone. My multivitamin has caffeine in it (as you might remember) so I'm taking it during the day now to help me wean myself off coffee.

--that today I turned down pizza, HOMEMADE carrot cake with cream cheese icing, steak, garlic and olive oil vermicelli, and a half-price diet vanilla Coke from Sonic.

--that I have a 2nd job interview at my kids' school tomorrow.

--that I have an awesome family and wonderful friends, who are probably getting very sick of reading about fitness stuff.


Shelly Conn said...

You are most definitely getting stronger everyday!!! Go go go!!!

Anonymous said...

Teble, I am so inspired by you! (And a little envious of your willpower, LOL) I've done pretty well since last fall getting back in shape and (FINALLY!) losing most of the weight I gained with the babies (who are now in preK and K). We have a big family party for the dh's parents' 40th wedding anniversary next weekend, and I wanted to look really good. Unfortunately, I am in the most stressful phase of a brutal deadline, too much gnoshing while I write and not enough time away from the computer exercising. But reading about your progress and determination is really motivating me to get back on the wagon, so to speak.