And before you go all animal rights on me, that was not my choice. At the time Coda adopted us Dan and I still lived in an apartment. That's how OLD the cat is. When the management caught us with our cat they told us we had to have her declawed or move out. Then when Rocky adopted us we thought it wouldn't be fair to have one cat with claws and one cat without because that would give the new young interloper a definite territorial advantage. So, not our choice.
Anyway, the cat has come up with a new solution to the whole sharing the back yard with a dog thing: the picnic table. Which the dog can SO jump up on too, but let's not tell Rocky. She thinks she's safe.

Rocky: Oh no, it's that stupid dog again.
(Notice all the digging under the table, where Lily's been trying to find a cool spot to sleep?)

Rocky: I don't recommend it, Alpo breath.

Rocky: I'm warning you dog...come any closer and I'll swat you with my totally clawless paw.

Lily: What fun! I made the cat do that funny sound that I like so much.
Hey Jody, what do you think? Is Rocky in the same league as MeanKitty? I mean, sure, she was totally provoked, but look at the intensity in that hiss. She's all business. Even if she doesn't bother to lift her head while hissing.
Poor cat.
I am rooting for Rockey; I have to go for the old ladies. Beside Lily is a few fries short of a Happy Meal.
Sorry Lily! Grama loves you too.
She definitely looks unhappy, but she can't be that mad. She's still lying down! She's a beautiful kitty. hehehe I can't believe the doggy can't figure out how to get on the table.
My mom is funny about declawing. She said she would never declaw a cat, but she doesn't want a cat who isn't. So, she got a cat from a woman who didn't want Toby anymore. He was already neutered and declawed and everyone was happy.
I am feeling bad for Rockey up on the table like this just laying there. She just wants to be left alone. :(
That's a pretty intense hiss. She probably needs her own page in the Gallery....
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