Last year about this time you were forced to read about my jaded view of Valentine's Day, so I won't make you endure it again. Unless you click on that link up there and read it again. Hey, don't say I didn't warn you.
It has nothing to do with my husband not being romantic or anything, because he is. I mean, you can't beat recycled roses! That's true love right there, folks. No, I just hate the forced romanticism. I hate the idea that some exec at Hallmark is cashing in on the pressure exerted on people to act all lovey dovey just because it's the middle of February. Sheesh. There I go again.
So, anyway, Happy Valentine's Day.
In a no pressure, don't buy me roses or chocolate and I promise not to buy you underwear with a lip print on it, kind of way.
Happy Valentines Day Teble! I love ya. (Scrooge) :)
Read this:
I love this guy.
Okay...I read it and I totally agree with his/your opinions of the holiday....and Sweetest Day....but how do you NOT love a guy who gifts you with a gift certificate to Barnes and Noble Books when you have two days off school to read whatever you purchase??? Now THAT'S a true love sentiment!
Lyn, Yep. Your guy's a keeper.
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